Archive for the ‘ruby’ Category

Tim’s Guide to JVM Languages.

Donnerstag, Dezember 1st, 2011

JRuby: for people who realize the Ruby interpreter isn’t that hot performancewise or –more likely– whose sysadmins refuse to deploy anything but jar files. Vaguely useful in case you absolutely require a Java library for a script that involves opening a file, parsing xml, printing to the screen, adding two `byte`s or something similarly impossible to do in Java without becoming so enraged that you end up twisting some cute little animal’s head off.

Jython: see JRuby

Groovy: for hardcore Java nerds who don’t want to admit to themselves that Java isn’t the be-all end-all of programming by resorting to JRuby or Jython. Because for unknown reasons, groovy is somehow „more“ Java.

Scala: for people who feel Java isn’t special enough for them, because they’re very special. Yet they’re too limp dicked to use haskell or erlang. In all honesty, they would prefer to use ocaml, but the JVM handles cache line optimization in Intel’s upcoming Larabee architecture better and they need to squeeze every last bit of performance out of their „boxen“. They also enjoy using important words like „contravariant“ that noone including themselves understands. This makes them feel even more special.

Fantom: see Scala, add: for who Scala is too mainstream because Twitter and one other company allegedly used it a some point.

Clojure: see Scala, but switch „scheme or lisp“ in for „haskell or erlang“, feeks slightly less absurd than Scala to me.

JavaScript: oh-my-god just go ahead and scratch my eyes out, why in hell would anyone … oh yeah, it ships with the JVM (no joke). The „embedded language“ of choice in case you need to embed some language into your Java desktop software.

JavaFX: sadomasochists with a serious Sun Microsystems fetish who have wet dreams of Dukeâ„¢ (the little java dude) gnawing their balls off. They also really hate Flash and want to stick it to Adobe. But they haven’t heard that Adobe discontinued it or that you can do „mouseover“ effects in HTML5 thus enabling Rich Internet Applicationsâ„¢ without Appletsâ„¢.

All of the other JVM languages are either someone’s uni dissertation or total bullshit. Except for Frink which is pretty awesome but not really a general purpose programming language.

That said, Java is a really annoying language, but so are all other computer languages that don’t live in the JVM to some degree. It’s perfectly possible to write solid and useful code with it.

(this rant originally posted by me here. I updated it with a link to cute animals and frink)

Backslashes in C includes…

Samstag, September 27th, 2008

Who’d have thought:

  1. that DOS backslashes in C include paths aren’t only ugly and a pain, but also not legal* C:

    If the characters ‚, \, „, //, or/* occur in the sequence between the < and > delimiters, the behavior is undefined. Similarly, if the characters ‚, \, //, or /* occur in the sequence between the “ delimiters, the behavior is undefined. A header name preprocessing token is recognized only within a #include preprocessing directive.


  2. … the C99 Standard is available for free online This links directly to the pdf containing the current standard, which lives here.
  3. It’s easy to fix:

    find . -name '*.[c|h]' -print0 | xargs -0 \
       ruby -i.bak -pe 'scan(/^\s*#include.*/){ gsub(/\\/, "/") }'
  4. * yeah, I know, it’s legal just undefined.
    ** this post inspired by this.

„Ruby Cryptography: TINFM“

Dienstag, Juli 22nd, 2008

TINFM meaning „there is no fine manual“, of course. Just as with digest, Ruby’s openssl documentation is missing just the bits you’ll need to get started. In order to encrypt or decrypt something, you’ll first need to instantiate the approriate cipher:

        require 'openssl'
	cipher = NAME_OF_CIPHER

So how do I know the name of the cipher if it’s not documented? You’ll need to refer to the OpenSSL documentation, or refer to this handy list:

base64 Base 64
bf-cbc Blowfish in CBC mode
bf Alias for bf-cbc
bf-cfb Blowfish in CFB mode
bf-ecb Blowfish in ECB mode
bf-ofb Blowfish in OFB mode
cast-cbc CAST in CBC mode
cast Alias for cast-cbc
cast5-cbc CAST5 in CBC mode
cast5-cfb CAST5 in CFB mode
cast5-ecb CAST5 in ECB mode
cast5-ofb CAST5 in OFB mode
des-cbc DES in CBC mode
des Alias for des-cbc
des-cfb DES in CBC mode
des-ofb DES in OFB mode
des-ecb DES in ECB mode
des-ede-cbc Two key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
des-ede Two key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
des-ede-cfb Two key triple DES EDE in CFB mode
des-ede-ofb Two key triple DES EDE in OFB mode
des-ede3-cbc Three key triple DES EDE in CBC mode
des-ede3 Three key triple DES EDE in ECB mode
des3 Alias for des-ede3-cbc
des-ede3-cfb Three key triple DES EDE CFB mode
des-ede3-ofb Three key triple DES EDE in OFB mode
desx DESX algorithm.
idea-cbc IDEA algorithm in CBC mode
idea same as idea-cbc
idea-cfb IDEA in CFB mode
idea-ecb IDEA in ECB mode
idea-ofb IDEA in OFB mode
rc2-cbc 128 bit RC2 in CBC mode
rc2 Alias for rc2-cbc
rc2-cfb 128 bit RC2 in CFB mode
rc2-ecb 128 bit RC2 in ECB mode
rc2-ofb 128 bit RC2 in OFB mode
rc2-64-cbc 64 bit RC2 in CBC mode
rc2-40-cbc 40 bit RC2 in CBC mode
rc4 128 bit RC4
rc4-64 64 bit RC4
rc4-40 40 bit RC4
rc5-cbc RC5 cipher in CBC mode
rc5 Alias for rc5-cbc
rc5-cfb RC5 cipher in CFB mode
rc5-ecb RC5 cipher in ECB mode
rc5-ofb RC5 cipher in OFB mode
aes-[128|192|256]-cbc 128/192/256 bit AES in CBC mode
aes-[128|192|256] Alias for aes-[128|192|256]-cbc
aes-[128|192|256]-cfb 128/192/256 bit AES in 128 bit CFB mode
aes-[128|192|256]-cfb1 128/192/256 bit AES in 1 bit CFB mode
aes-[128|192|256]-cfb8 128/192/256 bit AES in 8 bit CFB mode
aes-[128|192|256]-ecb 128/192/256 bit AES in ECB mode
aes-[128|192|256]-ofb 128/192/256 bit AES in OFB mode

A list of the currently supported cipher strings, without the explanation can also be produced by calling OpenSSL::Cipher.ciphers

After you’ve instantiated the proper cipher, you tell it to either encrypt or decrypt, give it the key to use (and possibly an IV) and then pass in data using update:

	cipher.key = KEY_DATA
	ciphertext = cipher.update plaintext
	cipher.key = KEY_DATA
	plaintext = cipher.update plaintext

That’s all. Not really difficult, once you’ve pieced everything together.

Slides for LRUG tonight.

Montag, Mai 12th, 2008

Introducing Weave
Introducing Bytes

Bit-twiddling with Ruby

Dienstag, Mai 6th, 2008

I’ve always wanted to write some routines that help out with bit twiddling. Since I’m working on some byte level stuff recently (Smartcards, ISO7816 to be precise) I’ve finally gotten around to writing an API to make handling bytes easier and self-documenting. Basically, it’s a –attention buzzword– DSL for bitfield description. Not really gotten very far, but this is how it looks up to now: if you’ve got a byte composed of bits with the following semantics:

   |1|-|-|-|-|-|-|Channel Encrypted
   |-|0|0|0|-|-|-|Method A
   |-|1|0|0|-|-|-|Method B
   |-|0|0|1|-|-|-|Method C
   |-|-|-|-|X|X|X|Channel Number 

I can use the following ruby code to represent it:

  require "bytes"
   b = "1......." => :enc,
                       ".000...." => :a,
                       ".100...." => :b,
                       ".001...." => :c,
                       ".....vvv" => :channel
   b.value = 0xff
   b.enc?        # true 
   b.b?          # false
   b.b           # `b.value` is now 0xCF / "11001111"
   b.b?          # true     # 7 = 0 # `b.value` is now 0xC8 / "11001000"

Instead of using the Byte class and instantiating it with the byte’s pattern, it’s also possible to include the module Bytes which adds a attr like class function (called byte_accessor) which adds the same sort of functionality to classes. Take this –vaguely contrived– implementation of the first two bytes of an IP Packet:

require "bytes_ng"
class IPPacket
  include Bytes
   byte_accessor :ver_ihl , "vvvv ...." => :version
                           ".... vvvv" => :ihl

   byte_accessor :tos, "111. .... | Precedence" => :network_control,
                       "110. ...."              => :inet_control,
                       "101. ...."              => :critic_epc,
                       "100. ...."              => :flash_override,
                       "011. ...."              => :flash,
                       "010. ...."              => :immediate,
                       "001. ...."              => :priority,
                       "000. ...."              => :routine,
                       "...0 .... | Delay"      => :normal_delay,
                       "...1 ...."              => :low_delay,
                       ".... 0... | Throughput" => :normal_throughput,
                       ".... 1..."              => :high_throughput,
                       ".... .0.. | Reliability"=> :low_reliability,
                       ".... .1.."              => :high_reliability,
                       ".... ..1. | RFU"        => :rfu_err_1
                       ".... ...1 | RFU"        => :rfu_err_2

This adds two instance variables (and their respective accessors) named ver_ihl and tos to the class IPPacket. These contain the actual byte value. It also adds a bunch of methods (like in the example above) that can be used to query and set the individual bits.

I’ve not gotten around to properly releasing it yet, but it works quite well so far. In case you’re interested, you can currently get it here.

Future plans are to package it and (maybe) add multi-byte functionality.

EURUKO 2008: Native Extensions

Sonntag, März 30th, 2008


You were expecting cats?

Here are the code examples in case you want to try them out yourself.

Here is a copy of the slides, unfortunately, they’re quiet huge at the moment, I’ll try to get smaller one as soon as I figure out keynote…

Suggestions from the audience

  • Ruby Hacking Guide : more detailed information about Ruby internals.
  • RubyInline : allows you to write C code in the middle of Ruby code
  • Somebody said the videos of the talks would be put up here
  • Dr. Nic was kind enough to write a generator to handle native extensions for his newgem tool. newgem is definitely worth trying out, it generates a LOT of boiler plate, which is sort of overwhelming. But it’s more fun to figure out what his tool does than to type boilerplate code.

ruby main idiom

Mittwoch, Februar 20th, 2008

Because I keep forgetting, it’s

if $0 == __FILE__
  puts "main"

where __FILE__ contains the name of the file that the currently executing code is located in and $0 is the name of the currently executing program.

Digest Ruby (MD5, SHA) in Ruby

Sonntag, Februar 10th, 2008

I don’t know how many times I’ve gone to the stdlib documentation for usage information concerning digest. Unfortunately, there’s nothing to see there, move along. Documentation is provided in the src distribution [src]/ext/digest/digest.txt. The abridged version:

require 'digest/[md5|sha1|sha2|rmd160]'    
digest = Digest::[MD5|SHA1|SHA256|SHA384|SHA512|RMD160].new   
while #some loop     
digest.digest #raw bytes
digest.hexdigest #hex

alternatively, the short form:

require 'digest/MD5'
d =
d.hexdigest('whatever you're digesting')

sha2 contains implementations for the digest classes SHA256,SHA384,SHA512

Finally the lengths of the returned hex strings:

len bytes len hex
MD5 16 32
SHA1 20 40
RMD160 20 40
SHA256 32 64
SHA384 48 96
SHA512 64 128